Jan 08, 2009 12:07
This place is like a familiar stranger. Someone you know, or knew, but have long forgotten. I used to spend hours and days on this site, spilling my dreams and hopes, wants and needs. Now they all seem irrelevant, not to mention far away. I'm twenty years old and so far from where I want to be, I almost see no point in trying to reach my goals, whatever they may be. I stand in my own way every time, and I have no idea how to make myself get the hell out of the way. Each time I try to find answers, I find myself more lost than ever. Maybe that's the point, to be lost in order to really find answers, but even then, I still stand in my own way. It's just so much easier not to care, but I can't go on uncaring forever. I have to wake up and actually start living at some point, but I don't really know when that will be...