Things that irritate me #1272

May 16, 2008 13:01

Wachovia ATMs. When you ask the machine for your bank balance, instead of asking you if you want another transaction it immediately spits the card back out again, forcing you to re-swipe the card and re-enter the PIN to get your actual money. Did it never occur to the designers that people might want to double-check their balance before withdrawing money?

Thing number two that irritates me is that while some of the ATMs have a "return to menu" option on the "fast cash from checking" option, some don't. With the latter machines, if you discover that you've stumbled onto a machine that offers no "fast cash" options between $40 and $100, you have to quit and re-swipe your card again.

Yes, I realize these are totally petty annoyances. :-)
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