Apr 21, 2010 17:10
We sat in the front row.
We watched him move in those graceful, graceful,
Ways. And we heard him when he said he Wanted No More
Lies. And the dancers said they agree.
The Lies are the things that really killed
Them. Broke them down to that pulp.
But they made it work. They sang on key.
They stole my heart.
Different than the dancers, the Boy was. He
Led with his left foot in every way. In Every Way.
He kissed with a passion that only I had seen in
A different time.
Remember the floor of the building? You think it's
Remember the way his eyes flashed with that eletricity i had never seen? You think it's
But it is not. He stole my
Heart. He stole my Heart.
He was different. But so was
I. But so was I.
The Lies are the things that really killed
Us. Broke Us down to that pulp.
But we made it work. We sang on key.
They stole my heart.