i know, i know! long time, no writey. my computer's being a shit fuck again so i'm on my boi's laptop, attempting to update. i can't guarantee this entry will be very lengthy or in-depth, but at least you'll know a little of what i've been up to as of late.
so yes, you read that right. i have a boi now.
(LOOKIE!) his name's eric and we met on dec. 15th @
.MASCHINE. where he dj's. i adore him, even though he's a stubborn monkey and always thinks he's right when he's not. but i guess he could say the same about me (except that i am always right! : P). i ended up asking him out on christmas morning. it was the first time i've ever asked anyone out before. very casually, i said, "so, i was going to ask you... will you be my boifriend?" due to shock on his part, i had to ask him two more times before he said yes. i realize we moved pretty quickly, despite the fact that the last thing i wanted was to be in another relationship so soon (especially after the last disaster) - but it just felt right. so i went with it and it's not a decision i regret.
i'm once again looking for work. i started a job at a clothing warehouse on dec. 27th, and a day and a half into it, i injured both my wrists. (quick, repetitive movements for hours on end = bad.) just when i thought i was getting back on track! ah, well. i'm sure there's something out there for me. ...there just HAS to be!
(oh, yeah! on the 26th of dec., eric surprised me by taking me to magic mountain. i hadn't been since my junior year of highschool. it was freezing cold, but so much fun! the first ride we went on was X, and it's a good thing we didn't have to wait too terribly long in line 'cause the ride totally killed me! my head was knocked around so hard, i lost two of my earring backings, and i felt something snap in my neck. panic coursed through my body like you wouldn't believe. the damned ride left me feeling dazed for a good 10 minutes afterwards. i was a little afraid to go on more rides after that, but once i got on viper, it was smooth sailing from there. official review of X: it's caca. ...and, oh! it was so cute 'cause eric won me a carebear! it took about $20 or so until he finally got a ball in a barrell (the damned balls were $1 each!) and i'd like to think he spent so much trying to win it for me 'cause he really wanted me to have it, but i'm sure it was mostly due to his stubborness. either way, it was cute. i'm just glad he didn't blow his entire life savings trying to win it.)
well, that's it for now. i hear whispers coming from eric's pantry and my stomach's responding to them. toodles.