Name: Lena
Age: 36
House: Ravenclaw
Pevious Stamps: Character: Minerva McGonagallWhat do you think are your two most defining personality traits?
Intelligence - I have a reasonably good mind and I enjoy putting it to use. I like reading, I enjoy learning new things, It sounds egotistical, but I think I am much brighter than the average person and I enjoy that feeling.
determination - When there is something I truly want, I go after it wholeheartedly and do whatever I need to do to make it happen. Whatever it takes, I'm going to do what I have to do to get my way.
What is, in your opinion, the world's biggest issue? What would you change?
Honestly? Ignorance. Not just the lack of knowledge, because not everyone can be a genius, but there are so many people who are content to remain ignorant. I work in technical support and I see it every day. There are some people who not only don't know what they're doing, but they don't care to even try to figure it out. They want someone to do it for them and they never want to learn. I despise that in people. Maybe it's my own sense of needing to be independent and do things on my own, but I think the world would be far better off if more people had a desire to think and do for themselves rather than wanting someone else to do it for them.
What non-Harry Potter character do you feel you relate to most?
This is such a touch question to answer, because the truth is that I can't choose just one character and I don't wholly identify with any one character, be it in books or other media. There are bits and pieces of personality I can see in common with so many of the characters in the books and television shows I enjoy, but I wouldn't say I overidentify with any of them. I guess that's a part of feeling like we are all unique. If I have to chose one, I would say Buffy Summers from Buffy, the Vampire Slayer. Not that I have superpowers or anything, but there was this sense of loneliness about her, even though she was surrounded by friends and family. It seemed like no matter how people loved her and she them, she didn't feel like anyone could truly understand what it was like to be her. I feel that way a lot - alone, even when I am surrounded by awesome people who love me.
What are your dreams/aspirations?
At this point in my life, I really don't have many. I have a great job. I have an amazing best friend. My biggest dream at the moment is to kick my allergies/sinuses in the butt and make them behave. Strictly speaking, though, I'm pretty much where I want to be in life.
What memories would you put in a Pensieve?
I can't point to any specific memories and maybe that is because I have a slight tendency to be forgetful, anyway. Little moments with my family and with my best friend, I suppose, but personally I prefer to leave my memories in my own head rather than entrusting them to an object.
Which two HP characters do you feel you relate most to and why?
Hermione Granger - Hermione has, from the beginning, been one of my favorite characters in the series. I really identify with her know-it-all nature in the earlier books and her general bookworminess throughout, but I also identify even with her Gryffindor side - she's actually a really emotional character and I love that about her, even if I tend to keep my own emotions closer to the chest.
Percy Weasley - This might seem like an odd choice, but again, Percy has always been one of my favorites. I really identify with the way he is regarded as an outside by his own blood. Sure, he was completely wrong in taking the Ministry's side, but I can appreciate feeling on the outside of a group of people simply because you don't agree with them and being mocked for being different.
What is one thing you are most proud of?
I have worked for Apple as a Genius for over four years now. It took me a year of sending in applications to even get an interview. They say that it's harder to get hired by Apple than to get into Stamford. I'm intensely proud, not only of getting the job to begin with, but of the work I do there on a daily basis.
If given the chance to live in someone else's (Harry Potter character or not) shoes for a week, would you? If so, who?
As interesting as it might be to see and feel what it's like to be somebody else, I don't think I would. I much rather prefer being me.
How do you feel about the use of unforgiveables in war? Is it ever justified?
Why call them unforgivable if it's justified? I think that things easily happen in the heat of a moment, but I don't believe it's fair to say that the good guys doing it is any more right than the bad guys. After all, perception is just a matter of which side you're on and in the end, an unforgivable is no less cruel just because you think you're doing it for the greater good.
What qualities from each house do you possess?
Bravery - I don't always feel brave, but I've been told that I am, so I'm just going to go with it. My tendency to just pick up and move when I feel the urge, sometimes without a job or a real place to live is very brave, I've been told.
Just/Fair - I'm a stickler for rules and I believe they should be fairly enforced. I don't like seeing special treatment or seeing one person getting away with something others wouldn't. I think everyone should be treated the same.
Curiosity - I love knowing the hows and whys behind things. How they work, why they work. There is so much knowledge in this universe to be had and not nearly enough time to learn it all, but that's not going to stop me from trying to read everything I can get my hands on or my quench my thirst to always be learning something new.
Cunning - I can be extremely manipulative when I want to be. I'm not very open about my thoughts and feelings a lot of the time and I'm good at reading people and knowing what to say and do to get what I want out of them.
Which Harry Potter character is your favorite?
Do I have to pick just one? Hermione, Percy, Ginny, Neville, Luna… I could keep going, really, because there are so many I love. If I have to settle on one, though, I'm going to go with Luna. She, to me, was an amazing example of a fine Ravenclaw. Intelligent, quirky, open-minded. She provides a lot of comic relief throughout the series after her introduction, but I also really love how insightful she is and I loved watching her friendship with Harry grow.
Least favorite?
Draco Malfoy. He has always, even in the later books, seemed to me to be a very one-dimensional character. I suppose that's largely because we only see him through Harry's eyes, just as we do everyone else, but I kept hoping to find out there was more to him.
Which of the four canon Hogwarts houses do you feel you belong in most? Ravenclaw. I'm curious about my secondary, but Ravenclaw is definitely my primary house.
Least? Hufflepuff. I think I have some traits of all four houses, but Hufflepuff has always been the house I identify with the least.
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