My light in the dark (aka-pic spam)

Mar 05, 2007 00:54

Sometimes things happen right when we need them to. I had forgotten that I bought tickets to Baby Loves Disco many weeks ago. Thanks to releko, I remembered. I am so glad I did. It's been a rough few weeks, culminating in a breakdown yesterday. Then, There are no words for the way the laughter of my children eases all my hurts.

Oh, the curls!

Scarf dancing

Shaker eggs are fun!

Ariana is silly for the camera. Joey finds her hilarious :)

Yes, she is a supermodel!

Sometimes she loves him. Other times..she just beats him up. It's cool..he's tough.

Mommy and son smiles:)

Ariana loves being pampered. "Make me a princess!" Oh, sweetie, you already are. You already are.

then, she needed a princess cape.

And a close up.

And me, just for giggles. My hair is losing it's red. Must remedy that.

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