On Plays, Politics and (yes them again) Polar Bears.

Mar 19, 2011 04:28

Originally published at Tom Pollock. Please leave any comments there.

So a cou­ple of days ago I went to see Green­land at the National The­atreParts of the UK Press have panned it. I thought it was funny, well-acted and beau­ti­fully designed. So who’s right?

Well, me obviously.

But why have the crit­ics slapped it down so hard? The Tele­graph called it “shrill” with no other pur­pose than to “Nag, and bully us”.

This is a pretty com­mon reac­tion when a cer­tain sort of folk go to see a piece of polit­i­cal art. They feel hec­tored, and ambushed and under attack. It’s as though the the­atre was the last place on earth that they might expect to encounter a polit­i­cal point. Hell, I feel that way some­times too, when faced with a polemic, pre­tend­ing to be a story, like I opened the door to the pizza deliv­ery guy and found them­selves on the  receiv­ing end of a rant about sat­u­rated fats.

So we hun­ker down into for­ti­fied posi­tions, and chew the ends of the pens that are our only defence and say: ‘Don’t yell at me, it’s not my fault!’

But guys, really. That’s not the point. These sto­ries aren’t about accus­ing, it’s about get­ting us to care.

For me, Green­land didn’t hec­tor it’s audi­ence. It wasn’t about point­ing fin­gers. It was about the peo­ple caught up in the global-warming frenzy, and it was pretty bal­anced. We were shown the costs of car­ing both too lit­tle and too much, as the tale of the awak­en­ing of an activist see-sawed against a young cou­ple who’s rela­tion­ship had been smashed to pieces by one half’s cli­mate obsession.

Art works when it’s about peo­ple. Polit­i­cal art works because pol­i­tics is about peo­ple too. The­atre should be about empa­thy. Get­ting you to give a shit about the peo­ple on stage.

And if that moves you to care about the pol­i­tics of their sit­u­a­tion, because of the impact it’s had on their lives, then that is when good art, becomes good politics.

And yes, polar bears. Green­land had one of those too. On stage. That makes every­thing better.


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