Take the quiz.
Post your results.
1) If
att3nt10nwh0r3 had a superpower, what would it be? to fly
2) Is
kmg2386 single? i don't know
3) Would
ryebreadboy be a better ninja or pirate? pirate
4) Is
lindseyz03 an emo? ?
5) Would you make out with
folkewolf? sure
6) If
akaitoki were hanging off a cliff, what would
princessmia do? help her
7) What word best describes
sallyann211? tall
8) How many monkeys could
peaches_21 fight at once and win against? 5
9) Does
sallyann211 go to your school? no
10) Could you see
peaches_21 and
folkewolf together? no
11) Does
uofmgrl01 smoke? no
12) Is
kainada85 popular? no
13) Does
f40ramblers40 do drugs? no
14) How tall is
glitzydreamz03? 5"7
15) Does
sn0wangel3 travel a lot? i don't no
16) Are
uofmgrl01 and
f40ramblers40 going out? yes
17) What do you disagree with
cabaca about? nothing
18) How long would
folkewolf dating
sn0wangel3 last? never
19) What song/movie would you recommend to
glitzydreamz03? curious by tony yayo
20) Would
sargrey6 and
erica016 make a good couple? no
21) Do you think
trytobeaniceguy is hot? no
22) What flavor of jello would
att3nt10nwh0r3 be? cherry
23) If
make7upyers002 took over the world, who would be happy? no one
24) What would
make7upyers002 think of
f40ramblers40? football
25) Is
kmg2386 1337? no