Jan 10, 2009 23:17
I might as well be at work today with the way that little things keep chipping away at my well-being all day long. It's all stupid trivial stuff, but when you put 1,000 little things together, they can become a pretty big pain in the ass. :/ It's kind of like that old nerdism about if you're being attacked by 20 kobolds, eventually one will crit.
So for most of the day it was a mixture of crap like arguments and coldness and hunger and pain and more weird musings about whether I could be hypoglycemic like my mother was. John's friend (he's sort of my friend too, but they talk a lot more and email more and sometimes I get the impression the dude has no idea what language I'm speaking) gave me half his milkshake (I didn't ask, he just didn't want the whole thing) today and I drank it, after having had some root beer and some Coke, and my head just went all fuzzy and WUAH-WUAH-WUAAAAAAAAH!!! feeling afterwards, and the place was blasting their fans full out and I had to go ask them TWICE to turn them down because I was sitting INDOORS with my hood up and my hands in my pockets.
So now, John's napping, and I was doing little easy stressless catch-up stuff on WoW-- mostly training cooking, which is SUPER low-key and I'm a dork about stuff like that so I was pretty happy about it. This little druid asked for an enchanter in the trade channel, and I like making the gold, so I answered him. Turned out he wanted a little low-level enchantment that I no longer had the materials for, but he was in a guild I know (one of John's characters is in it and so is this reeeeeeeally nice dude who runs instances with/for us) and so I was thinking, "What the hell, I'll help him out".
Which ends up sticking me in a low-level instance for about 20 minutes trying to farm some items that I can glean the right materials from. When I finally get them, he hands me the wrong thing to enchant and it doesn't work so I think he has crappy super-low-level stuff and being nice, I go BUY him a set of new bracers... when he proceeds to tell me he stuck the wrong thing in the window and he shows me the only-slightly-less-crappy thing he's really wearing. I tell him the ones I bought him are better, and he doesn't agree. I'm at my wits end at this point already, but he asks me to buy the materials from the auction house, when I tell him that was the cheaper one so he goes and buys ANOTHER so I can enchant the bracers HE wants because he's an idiot that doesn't realize the ones I BOUGHT HIM are better.
After all this, he ASKS ME FOR MONEY SO HE WON'T BE BROKE. I pretended not to see that message, told him to take care after mentioning his guildmate, and promptly LOGGED OFF.
I need a back rub and a bottle of something. Stat!
By the way, the thing that came out of the package on my poll was a ham. One of the kind that are technically "cooked" but need to be baked or at the least fried in order to be exactly comestible. And there really was something WRONG with it. It tasted like you were counting coins for a long time and then forgot to wash your hands and stuck your fingers in your mouth. Ugh!