032 [Video]

Dec 02, 2011 03:06

[Castiel looks quite a bit more normal now than he did the last time he made a post himself, steadfastly pretending the last post and the accompanying event never occurred. He's inside the Temple, and there's a window behind him; it's dark outside, but the snowfall is still visible through the glass.]

It has been snowing for the past three days. Is there any practical use for it? I have never had much reason to pay attention to snow before.

[And judging by that he's wearing his coat inside, he's not too pleased with this weather and would like there to be something benefit to it. Tell him there's something.]

Also, as those of you who saw Jo's post are aware, we have procured a juvenile dragon. Jo is being less possessive of the supplies now, and there is still far more meat than necessary for use at the Temple or at her home, so anyone low on food may have some. Also, though I am keeping half of the scales and a portion of the blood, should anyone need the remaining components for rituals or the like they are available as well.

[And that's all for the public, as he switches the feed over to private.]

[Filtered to Alphonse Elric]

There is a matter I would like to discuss with you when possible. Raven told me it was you who I should speak with about this.

[Filtered to Edward Elric]

Would you be willing to assist me with separation of components as discussed?

plot plot plot, gathering information, filters filters filters, *video, asking questions

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