[Finally, that event is over. After about the first two days the novelty and the usefulness of it had worn off, and the fog and multitude of tombstones had simply become annoying. Not to mention all the people getting upset over them. Now that it's gone, though, and not providing a distraction, Castiel has things to do. And, as usual, that involves
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Breaking out of here won't work without a sizeable amount of energy and a complete understanding of how the time vortex has gone wrong over this little patch of the universe.
I'm well aware. This is less for use regarding leaving this dimension, more for after.
I'm a time traveller. Hopping dimensions is what I do before breakfast. What is it you need to know?
The method used in your world. What must be done. It's technology that is used in your dimension, correct?
As for beings who aren't hellbent on killing the general population -- I could build a time vortex manipulator out of the materials that I've located within this world. But it won't work without proper information on the vortex itself, which, as it is, is extraordinarily hard to pin down here. It constant shifts and folds in on itself -- creating a bubble outside of space and time. Consider it something of a void, if you will.
[She pauses.]
Of course, this is all speculation, but I'm very good, so I think I'll go with my gut and say I'm correct.
What would this device be capable of, should it be possible to use?
[River holds up her diary with something of a smirk.]
I always come prepared.
How long would it take to build one? And what would happen should one attempt to use it without figuring out the specifics of the dimension?
You could wind up trapped within the Void, in the wrong dimension, in the wrong time, in the wrong time dimension, you could be ripped apart, killed -- time travel is a precise art.
[He considers those risks a moment.]
That would be unfortunate.
[Like whether or not she wants to do such a thing.]
About what?
[River smiles placidly, before waggling a few fingers.]
I've run as far as I can run, back home. Returning is the end of the line -- and I've something rather important grounding me in place.
[For now.]
[He knows what it's like for returning to be the 'end of the line'.]
[River arches her eyebrows slightly.]
Help me figure out a way to stay put and I'll build you your machine, provided that this information stays between you and I.
[Because River will find out if it leaks. She always does.]
On the other, this would be a very useful device, if it works as River says it will. It could allow them to bypass intermediate steps, such as choosing a target location and having to hop from there.
He's quiet a moment longer, still thinking it over.]
[Because the information she desires is simply the flipside of what he does. It shouldn't be too much to ask, and it might serve a purpose for him too. If they can find out how to stay, then he could have more time in figuring out how to leave.]
Which portion of information do you want to be secretive?
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