Busy Busy Christmas Season!

Dec 21, 2009 01:08

So, the next few days will be busy. Not that the last few months haven't been, either. Haven't posted in forever.

Tomorrow I work and then pick up music and then go to a party, the next day I run errands and go to the gym and practice (for the first time) with a quartet I'm singing in at a Christmas Eve service with the music I'm picking up tomorrow, and then organize and execute door-to-door caroling with a group of friends. And maybe wrap presents. Wednesday I work and... wrap presents? Practice with the quartet again? I don't actually know. Thursday is CHRISTMAS EVE OMG and I work til 5 then go to my church's Christmas Eve service then go to the one I'm singing at which starts later. Hah!

Then I get Christmas day off (whew), and then I work BOXING DAY which will be an entire day of telling people, "No, we don't do sales here, we have our prices as low as they can go and we keep them there all the time!" Seriously, I expect to say that 20 million times in 8 hours. To every single customer who walks in. Who will be asking if we have a sale.

Then I get three days off (nice!). Then I work New Year's Eve, but only til 6, and get New Year's Day off, and then life resumes something like normalcy after that. I need to decide whether I still want to do ballet for the next 10-week session. I really enjoy the dancing and the exercise and discipline; however, my class is a very very beginner class and has a tendency to devolve into chatting and not much dancing, plus I'm somewhere in between very very beginner and the other class, which I believe is very advanced. Urgh. Plus Tuesday nights at 8:15 is a really awkward time to have anything, and I find it really stressful to go out again at that time of night when I'm just feeling like getting settled. But ballet! And exercise! Ah, we'll see.

I really need to break my habit of staying up til 2am, which is really interfering with normal functioning... I stayed up til 3am last night and then skipped church this morning. Of course, I've needed to break this habit for about six years now (since graduating high school I guess), so that's nothing new. :/ <---actually making this face right now

But I have my Christmas shopping done!! Wheee!! And I'm very excited about wrapping presents, whenever that is going to happen. I was supposed to do that tonight but then I practiced voice instead, which is more important anyway.

Completely random: Did anybody else have a crush on Bernard the elf in The Santa Clause when they were younger? He was so awesome.

singing, work, everyday

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