(no subject)

Sep 24, 2009 23:24

Whew! Dodged a bullet there! While innocently surfing for some "Glee" episode summaries (because I'm curious but don't actually want to watch the show), I clicked on a website that minimized my Firefox into a tiny little box behind one of those forced-click error messages saying that my computer had a virus. I was all like, I REFUSE TO CLICK ON YOUR "OK" BUTTON OF DOOM, EVIL VILE SPYWARE!! and used the task manager to end Firefox. But then! When I opened it again, it had helpfully saved my tabs for me, which resulted in the exact same problem. Luckily, I was at enough of a loss to try the same thing again, because this time Firefox had a problem saving/opening my tabs (it said it was embarrassed. I didn't mind) and I was FREE!!! If that hadn't worked, I would have had no idea what to try.

Another jam-packed day today. Not used to being this busy! I had my first ballet class last night; it was fun and exciting. They're probably going to divide up into a more beginner class & a more advanced class, because there's enough people, and the experience among them ranges from less than a year to someone who actually teaches dance. I'll be in the more beginner one. I had missed ballet!! I was expecting to not be able to walk today; I could walk fine, but my muscles were a little protest-y and tired at the gym after work. Not bad, though, all things considered!

Man, it feels nice to sit down.

dance, work, everyday

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