May 23, 2009 22:45
I GOT INTO THE NATIONAL YOUTH CHOIR!!!!11!!!1!! *does happy dance, but only in head because ugh sick*
Yaaay! I wasn't sure whether to expect to get in or not, but I would have been so, so sad if I didn't, because this is the last year that I'm eligible. And really, it sounds like the most fantastic experience of a lifetime. Singing with the most amazing choral singers from around the country for two weeks with the hardest music ever and an amazing conductor and a tour and, and, and... just wow. :D :D :D So happy!!
In other news, Star Trek was great. I am joining the legions of squeeful fans. I think it's awesome that they managed to make a movie that has me wanting to watch *all* of the series, just because now I remember that Star Trek is awesome. I mean, I'm sure there's some not-awesome stuff. But still. I was looking on Wikipedia and it would take two years to watch all the episodes of all the series if you watched one every day. Why is this still something I'm considering in the back of my mind? I've seen half an episode of TOS, semi-regular TNG when I was a kid, a couple episodes of DS9, maybe a season of Voyager, and a few episodes of Enterprise. And now I'm all StarTreklove!!!1! Heh. I got really angry at Enterprise, though, I remember, because as far as I could tell the main plot seemed to be staring at T'Pol and her hotness. And rubbing each other down with that decontam gel or whatever the heck that was. I'm sure there were other things going on, but that's the only thing that stood out to me and it made me angry. And I'm sure TOS is actually hilariously and hugely cheeseball and maybe I wouldn't enjoy it, but now I want to try. Ahaha, all this Trekiness is making me use italics.
I was searching around the net for an article or something about the reaction of people to the movie, like to see if there were lots of people like me who have had their interest in ST awakened/re-awakened by the movie. But there doesn't seem to be much in that regard, or my Google skills have failed me. Could be either.
In still other news, I am sick and being very sneezy/runny/watery/coughy/ew. I sang in a choir concert tonight, and DayQuil and positive thinking were the only things keeping me upright. They worked surprisingly well, actually. I was projecting happiness so thoroughly that I actually felt quite good after the concert for maybe half an hour.
Anyway, sleep time soon. *zonk*
star trek,