Oct 24, 2011 22:14
[It's late. It's cold. Florina's tired, sore, and upset, but right now, she just wants to get home. Anyone outside tonight might catch a flash of white soaring overhead, or see a pegasus and her rider knocking enthusiastically at the window of apartment 8 in the first Community Housing building.]
Ah! I'm alright! A-a-and I found her!
found: one flying horse,
wibble face,
oh horsefeathers,
now with more flailing
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Yeah. Very cartoony looking pegasus staring right back at them, also conveniently located in the sky.]
I...um...c-can I help you?
Er. Is that a pegasus?
[Man, seeing horses that can't talk was strange enough. But winged ones, too?]
[And she looks so proud of that fact.]
But I thought I was the only one around.
[She certainly hadn't seen any pegasi around Luceti, and she'd looked everywhere. She'd even put up posters and everything.]
I, erm, lost H-Huey when I arrived and um, apparently the M-M-Malnosso had her so...
[Oh, she doesn't look very pleased by that. No way!]
They didn't do anything to her, right? I swear, if I ever run into those creeps...!
[Now she's hovering in an upright position, and she briefly punches the air with one of her hooves.]
[At that comment, she gets a little quieter and looks down at her pegasus.]
I hope you never run into them.
[It's... actually pretty strange, seeing a pegasus as someone's mount. Especially since Dash comes from a world where ponies are the dominant species.
She's... trying not to make that too obvious, though.]
So, uh. Can she stand on clouds and stuff?
B-but! Um! Cloud's aren't solid.
[Dash is just gonna... plop onto a nearby cloud. Note how she's sitting on it like it is solid.]
All the pegasi back home can do it. We're the only ponies that can, unless you use unicorn magic.
More like something we're born with. Most pegasi live up in Cloudsdale, and it'd be pretty bad if we couldn't stand in our own city.
You have cities? I-in the clouds? T-that's amazing!
[She's a little sad it's not something she can learn to do, but oh well! Cloud cities!]
I b-bet it's this place is pretty, erm, boring you then, um, if there are so m-many amazing things where you c-c-come from.
[Boring, though? Hah. Dash shakes her head.]
Nah, it's not too boring. There's a ton of stuff to do, and all the hue-mans and other creatures are pretty new to me.
[But then, why would there be horses? And who would ride the horses? And how would they get anything done when they have only hooves and no fingers or thumbs? She has gone straight from amazed, to completely and totally bewildered.
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