Friday Night, I won my first Constructed tournament. Okay, I didn't really win, I took second place, but I won all four rounds.
The guy that took first happened to also win all four rounds and come out slightly better than I did, I think any way the final round took place I would be doomed to take second at best. My mentor did worse, both his victories were against players new to the game.
However, I have to say I learned a lot, particularly in my final match of the night. I had an opponent that really knew the game, and pushed me to new levels of strategy, and made me think about things that had never even come to my attention again.
My main deck will stay the same for now, but I expect to see revisions in my side deck. I also learned that my only real option to deal with an enemy playing Control is to simply overwhelm them by being faster and having larger numbers and better evasion.
The only thing I truly have no answer for, as soon as my side deck revision comes around, will be counter spells. Thankfully, I can expect those to be few and far between.
On a related note to Magic: the Gathering, I had an odd dream including Jace Beleren at an lj rp I've found that two of the players currently at
knightsofgotham also play at, and which a third applied to join. I must admit I am at least slightly tempted to write an application, although the delayed release of the third Planeswalker Novel may cause me to postpone that until late in the year.
I have three tests coming up this week. I should do well in two of them.