I forgot to take the plastic off this episode

Feb 20, 2004 00:53

Happy Anniversary Lisa and Matt!!! :-)

and now, we switch from something serious, adorable and emotional, to something not involving Janet, Britney, Lanny's mom, Stacy's mom, or all ma homeboys back in the great city of (Julie: "I have to show you guys my naked woman!")

"How To Be A Villain," by Neil Zawaki. This book is dedicated to everyone who ever thought evil was just a dream. Rejoice, would-be miscreants, your time has come! -- Thanks to Jamie's inspired Christmas present for that one.

you know what's fun? rhyming IM's.

300 glbt couples have been married in San Francisco. yay!
Not to be out done, Philly, the "other" city of brotherly love, married Toledo.
After a failed reality show, annullment, abuse charges, a Paris sex tape and having it's "dome" exposed by Justin Timberlake, Philly promptly announced its engagement to Turpin. purely for the chance to appear in YM magazine. (I could carry this on all day... but seriously, between the mockery that pop culture is making of marriage, and the way the baby boomers like to Force the idea onto their kids, can't we give gay couples a break? the ones who really want to be married? ~~ this advertisement was paid for by erinthegreat.org.)

... Just then, his cell phone rings, and the tune is the Can-Can, because he read once in a motivational book that if you are hopelessly boring, your appliances should always strive to be more interesting than you are. -- http://www.televisionwithoutpity.com

And now, for a special appearance by "Hilliary's animated UPS guy!" and Patrick, from Morrill Tower.

Well, that's all for tonight's show folks. Stayed tuned for scenes from next week's episode: Ashton punks the crank yankers. and your mom.
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