Aug 24, 2004 17:43
okk, havent updated in a couple dayss. but its alll goooodd.
after my sisters dinner we made a stop at one of her friends houses for a littel gathering, and then we came home. all her friends came over.. and i felt pretty stupid tryin to chill with em so i was like pssht. w.e and i peaced out to shawnnys. nick was thurr too and we had quite a slumber partyyy. waynes world to the max and i really didnt get to see the end cause shawn gave me a grape and then i fell asleep outta no where hahah. well i was there to the next day til like in the afternoon cause they skipped their retreat thing. i walked home to take a shower and get changed cause i had no clothes except shawns ginormous shirt and shorts. and we were plannin to meet again at littl enicks. but a huge momma storm came right as i walked into my door. like seiroulsy as i came into my drive way it got super dark and the wind was goin nuts and it was scurry, but pretty at the same time. and there was a surprising amount of people out in their driveways and what not.
well anywhoo, we didnt meet up again but that night me des jess and karen went to the skatepark at the norwalk beach so des could skate for the last 20 minutes it was open. lovely stuff. we sat in the parkin lot for a bit until we figured out what was goin down next. i saw robertos ass more than once, and i was not amused hah. we went to go meet shawn and nana and michael at friendlys. des dropped us offff, we waited for a while but it was cool cause we saw some pretty interesting people. darien=newspottolookforhotties. after our late dinner we went to tower records in stamford.. god i love nana for drivin everywhere and being the most awesome person alive haha. i bought the garden state soundtrack and a chill cd. slept ovaa karens. i havent been to her house in a while so it was coooool.
next morning me and jess are woken up by her dad and omg hahah it was the funniest thing ever. he goes- CHLOE JESS YOU HAVE 20 MINUTES. and then he bustles around with papers and then comes back and goes CHLOE JESS U HAVE 20 MINUTES. maybe u want some food? we were lik NO ITS OK and then later on he goes CHLOE JESS 10 MINUTES. MAYBE U WANT A BITE TO EAT? MAYBE SOME BREAKFAST? we were lik e no its ok... goes upstairs. comes back- CHLOE JESS 5 MINUTES. o man when jess imitates him its so funnyyy hahah. so we go to get bagelsss once jess's mom comes to get us.
that day was karens bday partayyy at compoo! and of course i freakin like passed out when i got home from bagels, i tried to read and i just fell asleep. i was asleep from at least 1230 to 515. i freakin slept thro her bday party, but thankfully jess and sam were goin late too so i got a ride with them. but then i frekain forgot the $. blahh. there werent alotta people there and i felt bad cause our friends are assholes. it was still chill thooo, i saw a few people i havent seen in a whilee.. me sam and jess weent on a walk on the rocks and jess wouldnt walk down with us she was like crawlin and me and sam were pissin our pants. cause jess had to pee so we told her to go in between the rocks and squat haha, and then she said something n goes "blah blah my picture camera..." haha me and sam diiiiiiiiiied. we eventually walked back and we freakin missed the happybdaysinging. ehh what else, we walked around with karen and yeaah. hmm shawn was doin really good deeds by givin a little kid with a spiderman shirt a spiderman figurine and a truck. we were at the beach til lateeeeeee and it was soo pretty so we decided we were gonna come back another night and chill there. i went home afterwards cause i had to talk to lorin about plans for cali. plus i was EXHAUSTED. i reall yfreakin think im havin a mono relapse. and it sucks balls.
teh next day i really didnt do anything, joanne came over and cut my hair and my bros and my momsss.. i went out to borders and outback with noelle mimi and phil. it was funnnnn stuff, i love noelle. shes so awesome.. and we chatted about socapa gossip and what not. when i got home jess and sam and karen and myself tried to find rides to the beach.. i asked des and said he could just drop us off and i HATEEEEEE using him for a ride, but sam wanted me to ask and iw as desperate. so i donno, i hope he can forgive moi! we eventually gotta ride at like 930 n got there 10.. it was soo nice out and pretty and there were actually a lot of other peopl there on the opposite end of the beach and the basketball courts and stuff. we found a spot on the beach and chilled there for a bit and played cards.. and then we played a really intense game of hide n go seek ahahahah it was the funniest thing ever. me and sam were on a team and karen and jess wre on another team. i almost peed my pants more than once.. me and sam hid first.. we only got to play one round but taht night was quite fun..
i pretty much finished all my work for the summer minus 2 journals i need to get from karen sam and jess. and then i have to do this history shit an analysis and readin a piece of crap boring book on WOODROW WILSON. whatta name. anyhoo i feel like crap and i want coldstone. i need school crap and i need to pack for cali. blahhhhhh