Oct 27, 2005 10:41
This morning Jamie and I got rudely pulled out of our dream state because two crackheads that roam our neighborhood got off on the wrong floor and decided to knock on our door. When Jamie answered the door the cracked out black whore (which is true, so no offense to some readers), yelled out (not spoke out with a little high tone, or raised her voice slightly, she YELLED OUT), "OH! This isn't 401?!?" Jamie who was still asleep and very upset told the women no this was 201 and that they were on the second floor and not to knock on our door again. I asked Jamie to call the manager today but I don't know if he's going to do it. We've, or at least I've noticed a problem with these two crackhead whore fenes, THEY ARE ON SOME SORT OF DRUG! I don't want them near my child! I don't want them knocking at my door at 6AM! Because who knows if these two were actually knocking on my door to see if we were home, and what would they have done if we weren't home? PROBABLY break in and steal my shit for their crack! May be perinoid but I have a child to put first before all else and just the thought of those two wierdos knockin at my door really gets under my skin!