Jul 13, 2012 13:23
More Buffy. Watching episode two now. Man the dialogue is soooo cheesy. Not sure I can handled this. "I am so mentally challenged!" And as much as I love Tony Head, his character has no concept of personal space when it comes to teenage girls, y/y? =P Trying to turn my brain off and just watch, but it's harder in the afternoon than it was at 3am. =P
Aww poor Claire from Six Feet Under's boyfriend. I thought he would just end up dead. He doesn't seem to come to good ends in the shows he's in. Always getting in with the wrong crowd so to speak. =P
So stupid question....the Master dude needs power to open some portal so the vampires are all up killing teens in their groovy club to give him power....why doesn't Buffy just go down and kill him while they are all preoccupied? Because we wouldn't have a show?
Bai Claire's boyfriend. You got less episodes here than you did on Six Feet Under.
"The earth is doomed." lol
So cheesy. Angel is adorable though.