LOVE naruto one shot

Aug 08, 2008 13:39

*naruto had just came back to the village after being gone for 3 years training with jiraiya *

naruto: i'm so happy to be back so i can see sasuke *thinks* i wonder if he is even back yet

*sakura walks up*

sakura:NARUTO! you're back i mean what a suprize bet you didn't learn anything

naruto: i learned more than you will in you life *sticks out tounge* anyway did sasuke ever get back???

sakura: yeah but i think he is with lady tsunade

naruto: okay thanks see ya! *thinks*hopefully he's still there

naruto thought well i'll run straight there but ended up running into old friends who wanted to chat so he didn't get to tsunade's office in time...........

*tsunade's office*

naruto: hey granny! where's sasuke everyone told me he was here

tsunade: he's out on a mission. The mist village needed help so i sent him there.

naruto: but he just got back.what am i supposed to do to pass time til he gets back?

tsunade: well i could send you out on a special mission.

naruto: really!?! okay where am i going? what am i doing? *thinks* i haven't had a real mission in a long time

tsunade: there are alot of seniors that need help with their gardens and house work that will be your mission to help them *smirks* have fun!

naruto: awww man! oh well guess i'll have to. then maybe i can go get some ramen and see iruka.

finally naruto had gotten to eat some of his favorite ramen of all and after he had eaten as much as he could he thought about sasuke more. Maybe he wouldn't ever get to see sasuke since it seemed every time naruto wasn't busy sasuke was. Maybe they couldn't be lovers anymore. As those horrible thoughts went through his head he started to cry.

naruto: I guess our relationship wasn't meant to be i hope no one saw me cry that would be imberassing. *yawns* i better get some sleep i will probably have a long day tomorrow.

*the next morning* naruto wakes up and looks at his clock on the desk next to him and see's a note huh? naruto thinks i wonder who it's from


naruto sorry we haven't gotten to see each other since you and i have been back but i will be back in a couple of days so try not to go on any missions so we can spend some time together

ps. i love you and don't
                                                             forget that

naruto: awww i'm so glad sasuke really does love me well then maybe we can take a bath together when he gets back *starts to blush* i better see if tsunade has any missions for me now so i can get them all done before sasuke returns.

*tsunade's office*

naruto: hey granny do you have any missions for me? i want to get some done before sasuke comes back cause he promised we could spend some time together when he got back.

tsunade: well let's see the only missions i have a missions that will take days or even months to finish plus i already have teams assigned to them

naruto: okay well then i guess i will go help iruka with the kids at the academy.

after helping iruka at the academy iruka decided to treat naruto to some ramen and of course naruto was all up for that

iruka: so how have you been? it's been 3 years and you've grown so much!

naruto: i've been great i learned alot from jiraiya and i got alot taller now sasuke and sakura can't make fun of me cause at least i'm taller than sakura now

iruka: so did you guys ever shake the akatsuki?

naruto: no but last time they said "we will return when you have mastered the power of the nine tailed fox" and then dissapeared

iruka: well as long as i'm around they will never lay a hand on you and there are lots of other people who will protect you

naruto: i don't need to be protected but thanks anyway. well i better get home so i can get some sleep sasuke will be home tomorrow or the next day and we are going to spend some time together. oh by the way i forgot to ask how are things with you and kakashi?

iruka:what!?! *blushes* what things i don't know what you're talk about

naruto: sure. anyway...i'll see ya around maybe tomorrow

a couple of days pass and sasuke still hadn't come back .........

naruto: i hope nothing bad happened to sasuke he said he would be back and that was 3 days ago.

naruto had gotten so frustrated that he fell asleep and next thing he knew sasuke was standing over him waiting for him to wake up

naruto: SASUKE!!! *squeezes sasuke* i missed you

sasuke: yeah i missed you too *kisses naruto's forehead*

naruto: well since you're back i thought we could take a bath together *blushes*

sasuke: sure. Right now?

naruto: yeah or we can later after we eat dinner.

sasuke: let's do it later so no one will be there.

naruto: okay. so what do you want to do before we go have dinner?

sasuke:we can catch up a little since it has been 3 years since we have saw each other.

naruto: okay sounds good. you know i thought that jiraiya wouldn't ever get around to teaching me anything but in the end i learned alot from him and i'm glad i left to train with him even though i didn't get to see you. you didn't cheat on me did you?

sasuke: of course not! anyway my training went okay with kakashi i just wish he would have pushed me harder it would have made things more challenging.

naruto: jiraiya would explain things to me once and then leave me to do it by myself with no help at all. So i took me longer to get things down but at least it made me wanna train more and harder to master the technique.

sasuke: well maybe if he hadn't pushed you then you wouldn't have mastered anything

naruto: yeah i think you're right *stomach growls*

sasuke: i think we should go eat something i'm getting pretty hungry plus i can't wait til we can take a bath.

naruto: uhh..yeah...well then lets go get some ramen

after eating ramen til he was about to throw up naruto thought i wonder why sasuke is soo impatient about taking a bath? it's kinda of worrying me maybe he wants to do it.But i don't think i'm ready we've never done anything besides kissing.

naruto: uhh...sasuke are you ready to take a bath now?

sasuke: yeah lets go.I hope no one is there.

naruto: *nervously asking* why do you say that?

sasuke: you'll find out.

after worry so much they finally left and started for the bath house and went in seperate rooms so they could undress

naruto:i'm going in sasuke.

sasuke: i'll be out in a minute

sasuke finally comes out and get in next to naruto but naruto scoots over a little thinking maybe that's what he wants is to do it i don't wanna upset him but turning him away but i'm scared

sasuke: naruto is everything okay? ever since we were about to leave your house you have been acting weird

naruto: i'm okay just a little nervous that's all.

sasuke: why are you nervous?

naruto: well it's just been a while since we have gotten to see each other and take a bath together.

sasuke: i know what you mean. To tell you the truth i had a hard on before i came in here that's what took me so long.

naruto:'s okay

sasuke: i was hoping we could.........since we've never done anything besides kissing

naruto: uhhh....okay...but i'm scared.

sasuke: it's okay. I'll be easy plus i'll hold your hand the whole time if you want.

naruto: .....okay........

after naruto had agreed sasuke leaned over and started to kiss naruto and faster and faster his heart was beating and he thought maybe i am ready. i will just have to trust sasuke.

sasuke: are you sure you want to? if you don't tell me now cause i might not be able to stop since i have waited sooo long for you to be ready.

naruto nodded and sasuke continued to kiss him all over his body until naruto said: sasuke stop teasing me you making me really hard

sasuke: good that's what i want now i can get ready to stick it in. but you have to stop being so nervous just losen up.

naruto: i did so just stop teasing me

sasuke: okay just be ready.

as sasuke started to stick himself in naruto and then naruto let out a loud cry "sasuke" i love you" and sasuke started kissing naruto sasuke: i love you too. 
*a hour or so passes* and sauke said:i'll carry you home naruto

naruto just nodded cause he had nothing to say after making love with the person he loved sooo much he was just so flustered

but after that night they continued to not see each other for months at a time then when they saw each other they would just make love and go on with what they had to do.

the end!

finally that's over i hope you like it cause i haven't wrote anything in about 3 years so i'm kinda rusty lol

anyway please leave me a comment to know what you think thankies ^-^

sorry for rushing the smex part and the ending but i didn't have much time to write and i wanted to get it done
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