Jul 18, 2006 12:34
so this brandeis thing is really real now. cdobel@brandeis.edu, i have an apartment with some cool peeps a mile from campus, two guys and a girl, and i have my class schedule.
Intro to International Relations
The Crusades and the Expansion of Middle Ages Europe
Unethical Commodities: Bodies and the Market
Intro to Theater: The Page to Stage.
so, for an explanation for those of you who want one. i was going to go back to slc in my mind. my dad and me decided i should at least tour brandeis. it was everything i wanted that slc didn't have. a great sense of friendliness, amazing politics classes, amazing everything classes, just... i loved it. i just wish i had started out there (although then i'd miss meeting all my slc friends, i really do love you guys and i'm going to miss you muchly). i... um... still haven't told kat or alex. i keep trying to call them and they don't pick up. i'm not avoiding it. much.
i really hope i like this place better.