Aug 29, 2005 02:58
Consider yourself warned. If it's not Curtis-one-thing, it's DTE-another. Yeesh
Just finished a very nice IM chat with a random dude from MySpace. I honestly didn't think anybody did that sort of thing anymore... IMing random people just to chat. It's nice to discover there are still decent people out there not entirely jaded by this vast wasteland that is cyberspace. (Wow, does anyone else call it "cyberspace" anymore?) For what it's worth, it's also slightly amusing that he's aquainted with Bo and found me through DTE's profile...
Today I took Chance for a walk to the Prairie garden and playground to take my first roll of pictures for photography. I got a lot of flowers with bugs on them. Other than the lovely Kansas humidity and not having a clue as to what I was doing, it was pretty fun. The concept of how aperture and shutter speed work are quite over my head. Hopefully a few of the pics don't turn out too crappy...
Friday night I was planning on making it a three week sweep by attending the DTE/New Orleans Funky People show at Balanca's. Alas, instead, I went to what was supposed to be a going away party for a good ol' HS friend who's moving to Canada. He decided to drop off the face of the earth at the last minute without telling anyone though. Hm. Hopefully he's okay. But that didn't stop the rest of us going to Johnny's at 119th and Metcalf anyways. There was no band playing, which was kind of weird for me, and I managed to have an okay time depite the asswipe who bought what must have been two hours worth of O.A.R. on the jukebox. Nothing against OAR fans, but it was getting painful...
Saturday night I finally hung out with Jackie and her man after nearly two months of nada.
A bit of a sidenote: People, I know I am guilty of the same crime, to a worse degree even, and I am SO SORRY. So sorry that it hurts. What a fucking waste of time that was... I could have been talking to, and partying, and generally hanging out with the friends who really cared about me all along. Oi. I will try my utmost to never do it again, and I hope my friends wouldn't let me do it either. Either way, I've learned that lesson...
So. We watched a bit of a movie with Ben, then met up with Victor and headed to another bar at 119th and Metcalf. I am now officially tired of Johnson County bars. The place was pretty much cleared out by 12:30. Sheesh. The highlight of that night had to be driving around with Vic. I havn't had a chance to talk one-on-one with him in so long, and it was really good. We caught up on each others' lives. He told me about breaking up with Asia, and I told him about Curtis, and he told me he thinks I dwell on him too much. This coming from a guy I almost never see! Then we talked about strip clubs and speeding tickets. Heh.