I might not be participating in NaNoWriMo this year, but reading their forums has made me so insanely happy. I've expanded my list of favourate words.
WITHOUT FURTHER ADO, I GIVE YOU: Words to try and work in if you're abso-fucking-lutely stuck and can't go anywhere but down.
- Kerf: The cut made by a knife or other blade.
- Fribble: Having forgotten your lines [in a play, speech, etc.] to make up plausible rubbish until you reach a bit you remember.
- Defenstrate: To throw someone (or something) out of a window.
- Emanata: The large sweatdrops, black clouds, vertical lines on the face, etc. used in anime and other visual art to indicate emotions, even if it's not realistic in doing so.
- Jelinanitoufartisationist: Someone who denies the exsistance of Hobnobs.
- Omphaloskepsis: The act of staring at one's navel.
- Snollygoster: A rude or unscrupulus person.
- Hwyl: Ecstatic inspiration. (It will make you OWN at Scrabble)
- Widdershins: Counter-clockwise.
- Gubernaculum: A structure aiding in the descent of the gonads.
- Poosk: The act of two animals (or people) grooming each other.
- Boondoggle: An act done with no real reason, just to waste time and keep the mind occupied.
- Brephophagist: Someone who eats babies.
- Gargaleisis: Forceful tickling.
- Sardoodledom: A cliched or melodramatic play or scene.
- Claudication: Limp. (As in, walking with one.)
To all you writers out there, hope this helps! Or at least brings a smile to your faces. Man, do I love these words.