Jul 16, 2002 03:10
Yeah, I killed my BIOS, and now it is alive again,
but the nightmare just beings...
Situation: My 4 years old Aristo chipset motherboard and AMI BIOS cannot detect my new IBM ATA100 60GB hardisk
Can anyone tell me how I can make it detectable on my PC?
Installing a Raid card? Updating the BIOS?
someone please help >_
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Primary Master: IBM_60GB1001
Primary Slave: None
Secondary Master: Philips_16X
Secondary Slave: None
This is what you would see if you had a hard drive and a CD-ROM. If you don't see your new hard drive in the list, then you probably goofed in installing it - either the cable/power supply isn't plugged in right, or you have the slave/master setting wrong. To be safe I recommend setting the jumpers on all your drives to "Cable Select [CS]." If that doesn't work you've probably got a busted HD.
And this is what I see before I ask the BIOS to Auto Detect HD:
Primary Master: user(my old hardisk)
Primary Slave: None
Secondary Master: CDROM
Secondary Slave: CDROM
after asking for auto detect, the system was frozen,
and the display was:
Primary Master: user(my old hardisk)
Primary Slave: _
Secondary Master:
Secondary Slave:
...and what I could do is alt+ctrl+delete~~~ O.o
You may also want to consider a new motherboard. And a new CPU.
um buying new MB and CPU is a good idea, but well,
I just don't want to buy them now.
A 4 year old motherboard doesnt auto support a nice shiny 60GB HDD you know. Changes are the BIOS need to be updated. Its either dead HDD or BIOS doesnt wanna know (95% chance its this).
BIOS updating, wing bro. O.o
I'm not afraid if there are clear instructions for updating.
And the problem is, how can I know what BIOS flash ROM
I should download for the update? I only know my mainboard use Aristo chipset.
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