
Feb 02, 2005 19:15

What an aweful afternoon... ugh!!!! First, I have 2 baby turtles that I keep in my room... well I was cleaning their tank and somehow I managed to drop it and it broke. So now there was a mess all over the bathroom and my turtles are officially HOMELESS!!! aww... poor babies!
Then I looked into the potential of piccing up an OA position for the summer so Id have a place to live to do the field school... it was kindda my last option... and well that wont work either... so now as of may Im gonna be homeless too... O well, guess my turtles and me will be living in a cardboard box on a corner somewhere in Albany in a few months... stop by and visit. but it sok cuz Matt'll visit us :):):)
Anyway, after that tragedy I was on my way to picc up Matt and a guy ran the stop sign on campus and came really really close to hitting me. VERY scary!!! and the worst part was i wasnt even driving my car... it was Matts. I woulda felt soooo bad if it got wrecked while I was driving... even if it wasnt my fault.
So all that wonderfulness went down in about a 20 min period and kindda succed.

On top of my wonderful day.... IM SICC! ugh! I feel like .... ugh!
so yea... I dont kno what Im gonna do... Ive stressed myself out about aeverything sooo much in the past few days that Im officially exhausted... nothings getting solved... actually more and more things just keep going wrong. any suggestions? im too tired and sicc to try to figure things out nemore at this point.

On the bright side though I started my job on Tues and really enjoy it. I like the kids, we had a lot of fun. I get paid well. and I cant wait to go bacc tommorow.
Also, Beccas the BEST... i got home today and she asked me if i wanted free movie tix... considering Im totally broke it was about the best offer ever lol.... she had 2 sneak peak tix for Boogeyman tommorow night but she has class then and cant miss it... so now I have 2 tix hehe yay! Im excited. Matt and I havent really gotten to go out much lately considering the severe mula shortages associated with spring break plans... lol... but its worth it Im excited... open waters here we come... "Ay Avast!" ;)
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