Sep 11, 2004 20:09
Oo;; More OOC Lobby Random-ness...
Uluru_D. drools over Gary Oldman as Dracula.
Masakazu_Izumi exits from this room
Masakazu_Izumi enters this room
Masakazu_Izumi exits from this room
Viru thinks D would be happy to meet my friend Deanna...I hear that from her on a daily basis.
torishimi enters this room
Rycuda grins at RD "Trust me, always used to work, the spectrums had this loose chip, if you jsut dropped them it knocked it back into place for a while, was written in the instruction manual and everything."
Uluru_D. drools over Jason Isaacs, Gary Oldman, and three fictional characters.
Yumi enters this room
sorrow enters this room
torishimi exits from this room
torishimi exits from this room
Robert~Darklord keeps glaring at Ryu "I really am not happy about this now"
Viru wonders if one of them is Rodney Skinner...?
sorrow exits from this room
[Black_Mage.] Theif: You GP or your HP! BM:That is so lame...
[Viru] If so,Holy Hell,you're a double of my friend Deanna.