um...had something I wanted to write,but I'll come back to me...eventually.
There was a problem with one of the cats.Turns out she has Ringworm.It seems like she has the worst luck.About 2 months ago,she got attacked by a raccoon and we had to er...have her leg removed.And now the Ringworm.Damn,the poor cat's going through a lot.Which is putting Mom through a lot because she loves the cats so much.And mom yelled at me this morning when I was using a dish cloth instead of a dish rag.What's the difference?Still,mom can be sorta funny when she's stressed out.Sorta...
Talking to Bobby today.A quote to remember:"Suicide's not the answer...homicide is."Refering to his little brother.We both started cracking up.Not like either of us would commit homicide,but it was funny for the moment.
Now I remember what I wanted to say.
Benjamin Franklin (or was it Tohmas Jefferson?) once said,"By keeping your mouth shut,people assume you are an idiot.By opening your mouth,you confirm that assumption."So in other words...You're damned if you do,and you're damned if you don't.So if we're all going to Hell anyway,might as well have fun while you can.
I'm way ahead of that.
The sun finally came out for the first time in days.Yayah!I went outside and jumped on the trampoline for an hour or so.Not like there's much else to do.It's still to cold to go swimming yet.So,I grabbed my bokoto and just practiced for a while.I never took a real Kendo lesson in my life.But oh well.That saw me bored too,so I jumped on the 'puter.
I joined a Fan Listing last night.
I didn't even know there was a Musashi fan listing.
Yeah,I drew again.I was working on this one last night,finally finished it.
Meh,it looks ok,I guess.