
Mar 03, 2008 10:32

i took the SATs on saturday and they actually went alot better than i thought they would. it definately felt easier than all of the practice tests that i took from the SAT book. and i actually finished my essay for once, even though it turned out pretty shitty. i'm so glad that im done with the SATs, but i get to take the ACTs next month and then the SATs again in May. wooo.

my birthday is on wednesday and i am sooo excited for that even though im only going to be 17. its better than 16 i guess. its supposed to rain wednesday which sucks but at least its not snow. im so done with snow and winter and i cant wait for it to get warm again. i want summer to be here in the worst way. i dont have much planned for this summer which is nice for a change. i went on two trips last summer and it felt like an overload of things to do. i just want to stay home and relax all summer. i might go to austria with julia though and that should be fun.

i really dont know what else to write. im at school so this is my required journal entry for today so i think i will end it here.

whats going on this weekend?
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