[page empty] ..anothers warmth is nothing to his..

Jul 26, 2006 13:50

...a feeling of heart...a feeling of warth in the place of a soul... these feelings are created when one is in an air of uphoria...one is happy with them selfs and what is round them.. usualy this feeling is created my someone one has feelins twords...in my case i get this feeling to [someone] but in return he donsnt for me....but last night it seems my depression kept showing in a convosetion i was in with a friend [amile] and he wrote to me o this computerized thing... he wrote, after seeing me sad, brb, so im like ok... 3o mins later i text him back on aim say wtf...all he said was look out ur window.. i did and he was there[which was hella scarry cuz i thought he was in 2 citys over typing to me on the computer].... well i went out side with a blanket cuz i was shitless..and all he did was hug me..didnt say a word... as soon as that happened i went into some sorta drunken blure.. i felt light and and out.. wel i sat down..and all he did was hug me..it starte to ramble on and on..and all he did was hold me..i felt sorta bad cuz the whole time i twitched cuz in my mind i didnt want him to be holding me i wanted..nick... not amilio... i acualy sarted to cry but good he didnt notice.... alll i can do was sit there... and slide down off my chair... ididnt know i ment so much to him...but it felt like the warth he gave me was just as the warmth a best friend would give... not like the warth [nick] gives me.. so it was already 4 hours of use outside him holding me me crying..and i knew he had to go home[for work] and i stud up and the blanket feel a lttle.. showing.. then when he hugged me it fell off and i stoode there with his head against my heart and him pulling me in...he yearned for love all i did was sigh with lonlyness....
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