(no subject)

Oct 13, 2030 14:39

 Character's Name: Rinoa Heartilly.
Series: Final Fantasy VIII.
Timeline: Toward the ending of VIII, after defeating Ultimecia and finding Squall's collapsed body.

Personality: Ultimately shunned by society in her world, Rinoa should be another Squall Leonhart prototype. However, she is the epitome of his polar opposite. Naturally kind-spirited and warm, she is honest and open to an overwhelming degree. The free displays and expression of her emotion has been known to overwhelm others, though she barely demonstrates any feelings of being abashed by it. If she is upset or affronted by a remark, she is incredibly verbal about it, even to an individual she has known for a short amount of time. Such a trait suggests that she is rather naive at times, preferring more peaceful protests to bloodshed. With the true makings of a pacifist, she has come considerably close to sacrificing her life, witnessed as she offered the Odine bangle to Sorceress Edea (whom, at the time, was possessed by the tyrannous Ultimecia) and voluntarily handed herself over to the scientists in Esthar who contained her Sorceress powers, for the supposed good of their nation.

This, alongside her unfaltering pertinaciousness, has led her to become the trademark damsel in distress. The only character lacking SeeD training, she is constantly trying to prove herself of being worthy to veil her fear of being left behind in the midst of a battle. She stands strongly for certain causes, having joined the Forest Owls at the ripe age of seventeen in an endeavor to rid Timber and surrounding nations of Galbadian occupation. Easily frustrated by those who are not as compassionate as she, Rinoa often chides them for their apathy, but is quick to apologize for her fiery, passionate outbursts.

Albeit not nearly as vivacious as her friend Selphie Tilmitt, she is noticeably lively and perhaps cares too much for others. Rinoa thrives off the happiness of those around her and feeds off their energy, to the point of being eerily empathetic. If a friend is morose, it is mirrored in a gloomy Rinoa, who can easily bounce back to her spirited self within moments. With a knack for intruding into one Squall Leonhart's life, there is not much concerning her persona that isn't shockingly warmhearted and encompassing a considerable amount of vigor.

What your character can offer: At the time of their defeat, Edea Kramer and Sorceress Adel passed on their powers to Rinoa. As a Sorceress, Rinoa is capable of using magic without the junction of Guardian Forces. At her limit break, wings burst from her back and her strength is multiplied. Her powers focus on unaligned primal magic and an efficiency in Ice spells. Although said abilities are considered a "gift" from Hyne, Rinoa regards it as a curse. She frequently restrains herself from relying on her powers, fearful that she will be contained in Esthar yet again or, worse yet, become a manifestation of Ultimecia. She does not wish to be seen as a witch, nor a potential threat by the three Gardens. For that sole reason, her powers have not been fully honed and can be affected by any severe emotions. Other than the aforementioned, Rinoa's strength is founded in her astounding ardor and brazenness. She has endured battles against elite mercenary groups and destructive Sorceresses, despite having the convenience of a privileged lifestyle she could have returned to in Deiling City.

What items will they be bringing with them? Rinoa will only be bringing her most valuable possessions, the most notable being her weapon. She carries a pinwheel, dubbed the Blaster Edge, and wears a necklace containing two separate rings. One belonged to her deceased mother, Julia Heartilly, and the other is a replica of Squall's Griever ring. At the discretion of the mods, Rinoa would most likely bring along her dog, Angelo, which would enable her to use one of her limit breaks.

The Player
Name: Stephy
OOC LJ: foopys

*character information, *ooc

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