01 - [video and voice.] [ SORRY GUYS ORZ. I didn't realize IP logging was on. It's off now! ]

Oct 13, 2009 16:29

 [A loud tapping sound can be heard right next to the device, then video footage of a bemused Rinoa. She tilts her head to the side in an inquiring manner, a curtain of raven hair moving with it.]

Hellooooo? What is this thing? Oh, Hyne, please tell me it's working now!

[After tapping it yet again, she lets out a huff of annoyance and places her hands on her hips, appearing very childlike. Barking can be heard in the background, along with a soft whimpering as Angelo scratches at a wooden door. Rinoa does not seemed to be fazed by this, and continues tinkering with the device. The video footage rotates in all different angles before she sets it down on a table and plops down in front of it with an 'oof' sound, holding her knees to her chest in a sulking manner. Angelo bounds over and lays her furry head in her lap.]

This place is...

[She wrinkles her nose in disdain after trailing off, and prods random buttons on the communicator.]

Can anyone hear me? Zell, Selphie, Quistis, Irvine...Squall? Am I talking to myself? That would be just your luck, Rinoa. No, I'm sure someone can hear us. They'll be able to get us back. Right, girl?

[Rinoa glances at her furry friend, as if expecting her to answer back, and flashes a brief smile in the direction of the communicator and bounds to her feet, startling the canine.]

Right! Everything is going to be okay, Angelo. Just be optimistic. Maybe if I just push one of these buttons...?

[The communicator falls to the ground and shows a frantic shuffling of her feet as she goes to retrieve the bit of technology.]

Oops...does this thing still work?

communicator dilemma, scary optimism, angelo

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