I feel better now but Kitty is still dead. Carrying her around with me now in case she gets better. Very angry.
We get on a boat and go to town across the silt sea to look for the sword. Nasty place full of silt. We look for a tavern and find one called the Dirty Lizard. Others say confusing things about Greenscale but Greenscale is always very clean lizard. Inside, people shout things at us. Don't understand, so I go and watch half-giants fighting in the middle of the room while Gnarth talks to the barman and some more elves.
We all leave and Gnarth finds us a place to stay by asking the woman in the house opposite the tavern if he can buy her house. She says yes, maybe because Gnarth says he'll kill her if she doesn't. I do what he tells me and help clear up and take a table and chairs outside the front of the house, then go and get a keg of mead from the tavern for us to drink.
A man comes to join us. He has a hat and an eyepatch and says his name is Handsome Jack. Not as handsome as Mox but humans have funny ideas. We hear a bell ringing and he says there's trouble at the docks but he doesn't care because he owns the tavern, not a boat. We see a man come up the road and Handsome Jack starts counting. Then the man explodes. This is normal, he says.
Elith and Psymon go to see what's happening. Gnarth makes a bet with some elves that Psymon will survive. Psymon has a big fight and comes back all burned and poisoned. Handsome Jack gives him something from a flask and he doesn't explode. So Gnarth wins lots of ceramic pieces.
Ronkar and Greenscale catch up with us again and Greenscale is very nice lizard and pays Ronkar to make Kitty get better. So after he's slept I will have Kitty back.
After the monster is gone from the docks we go and get a guide to take us out into the desert to meet someone who used to know Vore the former gladiator who owned the sword we're looking for. We meet a very old elf. I let the others talk to her. I miss Kitty. She's good at talking.