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Jan 31, 2011 10:49

If you want to do the meme, leave a comment, and I'll give you a color that I think represents you/makes me think of you, and then you list ten things you like in that color!

rkold gave me blue!

1. My babies' blue eyes (both my kids have really pretty blue eyes!)
2. My little blue stegosaurus, made by JB (the artist of the long-dead web comic Catharsis). You can see him here. Please note, I did not make him! I was just the person who was lucky enough to buy him!
3. Blue's Clues - It's SOOOO much more tolerable than most other kids' programming!! Tho', I don't mind Kipper, or the newest incarnation of Strawberry Shortcake (the long-haired one).
4. Blue skies (especially with big puffy white clouds)
5. Blue piggy bank from Target! It's mostly blue but it has white ears and is white on the very top. It reminds me of #4 on this list, which is why I like him so much!
6. My blue Hello Kitty clock! I can't find a pic of it, so I took one! It's this! (You can totally see a reflection of me holding the camera in that picture)
7. Sailor Mercury (Well, she's *mostly* blue!)
8. The blue Baby, the Stars Shine Bright dress set that I've got my SD School B girl in right now (I think it's the Sweet Candy Set?)
9. The ocean! Especially the lighter blue color you always see in vacation pictures!
10. Blue jeans!
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