Feb 02, 2014 23:48

I introduced my youngest sister to the joy that is Arrow this weekend, and decided to do some science in the process! Namely, I kept a tally for all the scenes in which the viewer is treated to the sight of Ollie's abs.

(There is a reason Jay and I refer to this show as "Abs" when we watch it.)

I realized this is absurd, but I dutifully kept a page open in my notebook in which to keep track. Sadly, I did lose count towards the end of season 1, mostly because I was absorbed in cutting magnets with a craft knife at the time. But based on the first sixteen episodes, I would say we got roughly 30 abs scenes for 23 episodes. Roughly 5 of these (I'm overestimating) were of Diggle, the rest were Ollie. This doesn't even count each particular scene in the 14th episode -- in which Ollie spends the entire episode shirtless (not counting the island scenes).

Season two, meanwhile, has been more interesting. In the first five episodes of the season, we were treated to 10 whole abs scenes! Which was pretty fabulous. Then suddenly we hit three episodes of nothing. Not one! This absence is startlingly noticeable and absolutely tragic!

Turns out this notable lack of abs was because the actor injured himself enough to have a visible mark, and shaved armpits. And therefore had to wear a shirt for the entirety of three episodes.

So there you have it. The abs count occurred, and will probably continue for the rest of the season. Because science, and abs.


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