I feel like I've been neglecting my LJ so I decided to post to my LJ.
Some things to note: Jay, who was once known as accidentalsquid is now
freudiancascade. Go befriend her, she is amazing.
What else?
Narnia Fic Exchange is recruiting. Go sign-up. It's such fun and the stories are all so amazing and you won't regret it.
I'm still going on my Camp Nanowrimo. It's been great so far. Today I hit 23K and finished Part 1 (out of three). Which is scary because it means my story most likely will not be finished when I hit 50K. How alarming. (And exciting? We'll see.)
Other than that, not much happening. I've been really behind on reading LJ posts lately - every time I begin to catch up, more posts are made. Of course.
Also, I realized that as soon as I made up a schedule for posting RLTE, I failed at posting on a schedule. WHOOPS. Guess I should get back on that at some point, eh?