Apr 01, 2012 11:29
Sent in my NBB last night and - whoa. Wait. I'm done? I'M DONE?!?
It was really weird, too, because I was definitely doing the whole last-minute rush thing. I had a busy day at work and I came home and just wanted to flop but instead I pulled out NBB and worked straight up until the deadline to finish everything off. And then, of course, HTML coding took a lot longer than planned because someone decided to fill my story with italics.
And then, all of the sudden, I was attaching the fic to the email and I'd pressed send and I was ready to move on to the next thing - only there wasn't a next thing. That was it. Pressing send was the last step. And so there was a bit of a delayed reaction before it actually hit me that there was nothing else to do and wait did I really just complete a 24K fic?
So I celebrated by watching last week's episodes of Fringe and Psych (which were both fantastic as usual) and then crashed. And now it's the next day and I'm sitting here on the computer and I don't quite know what to do.
It's weird, you know, to go from rushing on something to being suddenly done. Especially since posting for NBB doesn't actually begin for a week. Like, usually if I'm working so hard on a fic, it'll go up within an hour of completion and then I get the fun of waiting for reviews etc. Only I have (at least) a week to wait and I don't quite know what to do with myself.
Oh, sure, I've got a paper I need to edit today that's due at midnight. And sure, I've got a final tomorrow that I should finish studying for. But gee, all that feels like small potatoes now.