Goodbye Internets, Aloha Hawaii

Dec 30, 2010 10:51

 I leave for my holiday to Hawaii in a couple of hours! After all the snow and cold here, it will be nice to get some hot, beachy time in. This also means, sadly, that I will be without internet until January 9th, when I return home. Which in turn means there really is a good reason why I will not be answering any messages or emails or reviews or tweets or comments or whatever else there might be during that time. (Feel free to send them anyway - it makes me feel loved! :P)

In other, semi-related news, I am afraid I did not finish the Christmas one-shot I was hoping to post before leaving, for the simple reason that I got sucked into some amazing fanfic. (I'm so weak.) On the other hand, this is some of the most excellent HP fanfic I have seen (although admittedly, I don't tend to check out HP fanfic that often at all) and can be found at I finished the first book last night (this morning? Twas the wee hours) and wish so desperately I could get to the next one already, but it's absolutely impossible. The only thing that cheers me up about having to wait for this (well, besides Hawaii) is that I am bringing my Doctor Who Season 5 box set! Woooooooo! I've already watched the entire season through since Christmas - in my defence, we were driving a lot - but this is one of those things that you can never have too much of. Besides, there's also the DW Confidential! :DD

I feel like SUCH a fangirl, but that's all right because it's DOCTOR WHO and HARRY POTTER I'm talking about. ;)

Probably the thing I'm most excited for in the next ten days is the chance for some good writing. I have a new-ish origfic idea that I want to explore with an outline that, when printed out, turned out to be three pages long. And THAT was mostly set up and background information. I'm so excited to look at that. Plus, I plan to work on In the Walls of Iathghlas, which has been going pretty well these last few days, so I hope it continues to go well. I dunno, though. I have a sneaking suspicion I will end up doing nothing but swim and sunbathe and sleep and shop. Not that that is a bad thing.

Anywho, that would be all I've got to say now. Goodbye, my friends, and I hope all of you have a wonderful celebration tomorrow night, with much of the staying up till midnight and drinking of champaign. I'll see you in the new year! *waves*

writing, new year, origfic, fanfiction, harry potter, hawaii, doctor who, holiday

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