Catching Up

Jan 16, 2010 14:06

So I haven't posted in a while (oops), and that's mostly do to not being home over Christmas, and then going back to school where it's full-speed-ahead in prep for exams, which start in a week. (And really, I should be studying more right now, but I'm trying to relieve my brain of the pressure.)

But so much has happened - sooooo very much, and a lot of it is rather exciting (to me, anyways), so here goes:

1. NFFR 2009 Awards

And Fantasies won best one-shot. Major squee, major thank you, and the best part was hearing my voice on AsCast for the rewards ceremony, even though that was uber embarrasing at the same time. I was out at the cabin when the results came out, which meant no internet access, but I was able to go on my phone that night after I got into bed and I saw the results and then I couldn't fall asleep for another 2 hours. Thank you again to everyone who voted, and if you'd like to hear the full speech check out AsCast Episode 7. A lot of other great authors have gotten rewards they all most definitely deserve, so congrats to all of you!

2. Awkwardness at Christmas

So when I was little I used to be really close to my cousins, and it would be exciting to go and see them, and then we'd all run down to the basement and play with Barbies for hours on end... But now, it's just awkward. REALLY awkward, and Christmas Eve and Boxing Day consisted of everyone sitting in the living room listening to our parents talk, and absolutely NO conversation between us. I just don't know what to say anymore. Very disappointing.
On the bright side, Christmas was spent with the other side of the family, with my older cousin's new wife and my other cousin and there was no awkwardness there at all. It was very good.

3. Christmas Gift

Is it a bad thing that of all my Christmas gifts, the one that made me most joyful was the Prince Caspian piano book?

4. Olympic Torch Run

My friend actually won the chance to be able to carry the olympic flame!! I went to go see her run, and even though my pictures failed miserably as she passed by (I was more concerned with screaming her name as she passed than pressing the button)  I got a great one afterwards with her, AND I got to hold the torch for all of 30 seconds. Too thrilling!! I feel like I've been a part of something huge.

5. Harry Potter

When I was in Grade 2 and Harry Potter first came out, my mom didn't want me to read them because of the wizard/witch thing. (Witches are bad, etc.) And at first I was really annoyed, but then I didn't care, and even though I'm old enough now to make my own choices about what I read I never really got around to reading the books.
But about a month ago, a friend from dance who is a HUGE HP fan said she'd never read Narnia, so after a big moment of disbelief and displeasure, we agreed to switch our books. So now I've read HP and I'm wondering how I never did before, and so if anyone has any fic recommendations that are very canon (I start with canon fics before branching out), that would be amazing.

Also, and this is rather hilarious. My dance friend who lent me the books knows I write fanfiction, so she wants me to write a romance between her and George Weasley. At first she said she wanted it to take place IN the books, which would be absolutely impossible because the only story that would come out would be so terribly Mary Sue cliche romance that I wouldn't allow myself to write it. But now she's agreed that I can write it after the books, which is easier but still SO HARD because honestly, it's nearly impossible to write about someone you know.
But it's funny cause I have another friend who works with my dance friend, and that other friend also writes, so my dance friend thinks we're going to compete by writing two different fics, but we've actually decided to write one together. Huzzah for teamwork.

And that would be the summary of my life this past month. Very, incredibly, uber busy, and I haven't even gotten to the exams yet. ARG.

harry potter, christmas, real life, nffr

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