Apr 05, 2005 02:00
Bathroom Stall literature:
Blue pen: Something pertaining to lack of oil and that Iraq has oil, and we need it, so yeah.
Red pen response: What gives us the right?
Blue pen response: Capitalism: we have the right to do anything to serve our best interest.
Third party (another blue pen) response: What did you read that in your grainger textbook?
HA! I guess the business students aren’t really liked at grainger. Oh well... I’ve never read anything about capitalism giving right to start wars in any of my textbooks. I just had to laugh. I actually did out loud while I was in the stall, which I am sure sounded odd to the other people who were in the bathroom.
Back home only to hear moaning of some sorts in the next room. This guy has cheated not once, no not twice, but three times on my roommate, and they’re STILL together/dating. What the hell?????????