Master Story List (a.k.a. Taboo Progress Sticky)

Jul 19, 2021 23:03

NOTE: This sticky is permanently under construction, so watch right here for updates on when stores are added to / completed or when new stories and information are posted.

Last Updated: 8/3/11 @ 12:07AM EST : Taboo Chapter 2, Part 2, has been added, after a lot of fighting with LJ... grr grr grr.

~~ Taboo: A WIP Fantasy Novel ~~

Story Summary: In a world where status is determined by breed, two young men - one low born, one high - work together to tear down the walls placed between them by society. Asher masquerades as a brothel slave to gather information for an upcoming rebellion against the suffocating oppression of his class, desperate to create a world where his siblings can live without fear. Jornen is a Noble about to come into his majority, and the last thing he wants is the fate his father has planned for him. Only together can they shake things up - hopefully for the better - and only together will they find out that love truly is blind.

Chapter One: Rite of Passage (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3)
Chapter Two: Stubborn Rebellion (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3)
Chapter Three: Rude Awakenings
Chapter Four: First Meetings

~ Information ~
Social Classes               Calendar and Time System            Pantheon
Basic Description           Mage Ranks / Specialties               Clothing Descriptions

~~ Fanfiction ~~

There will eventually be a Princess Tutu fic here for everyone to read. ...Eventually... ...When I finish it... ^_^;;;;;

~~ Other Original Works ~~

I currently have a weremer story in the works. Yes, weremer. His/her name is Niabi Sharkbane, and he/she is a is a salmon-based werefish thingy. I promise it'll be better than it sounds. Now if only I could come up with a conflict for him/her so I'm not stuck writing little life drabbles...

More categories coming soon?

taboo: side story, taboo: infomation, taboo: main story, original fiction, fanfiction

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