A little experiment on my part...

Jul 06, 2011 12:40

Title: Moment

Fingers caress, pleasure crests and crashes. Hot where skin meets skin, cold where sweat dries. Reality returns to a dream.

Characters: 136

Title: On Children and Parenting

They will always find that stash of "toys" under your bed and ask about it in front of the in-laws.

Characters: 131

Title: Sleeping in the Sun

Ash lazily stretched, scratched at a bug bite, and rolled over to make sure his back got its fair share of sun.

Characters: 137

Title: Jealousy

All she had done was make use of the gift she had been given at birth. But that didn't matter to the one harshly punishing.

Characters: 138

Title: Pillow Stealing

Lie down beside. Rise, stretch, and lay on mom's head until she scoots. Repeat until you get half the pillow. Purr.

Characters: 137

Title: Have You Ever Wondered...?

...what would happen if Princess Zelda came to town and saved Link for a change? Uproar, or cheers?

Characters: 132

taboo: side story, drabbles, original fiction, 140 characters or less, real life

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