(no subject)

Oct 01, 2006 00:00


Yes. The month of October has finally arrived. =3 Last year, I woke up to crows in the morning and thought it the coolest thing ever. So hopefully something else inanely creepy/cool will happen this year, too.

I guess most people think that I should have an actual reason for likeing October other than it being my birthday month, and I do! Yey!
I have such reasons as "I like Halloween, and it's my favorite holiday", "It's the best time, in my opinion, autumn. In autumn, it's still warm, but not actually cold; the trees get actually pretty and diversified; pollen from flowers go away, and so, for whatever reason, most allergies for me; and bugs go into hibernation and stop eating me.", and "October's colors are considered to be black and orange, and whoa-ho! Those just so happen to be the colors I wear most often and my favorite, respectively! How awesome!". That, and it's the most popular time for media to decide, "Alright, summer's over. Time to start making interesting stuff again, now that people have less time to use them! =3" ... Not that that's a good thing, but it is true. -_-;; From my experience, also, it has a tendency to also be the most popular month to release new things just before the Christmas craze.
Plus, come on, Halloween is perfect incentive for cosplayers and cosplayers are love. =D

So, yea. I love October. Ich liebe Oktobre. Watashi wa Gogetsu ga suki desu./私は五月が好きです。

<3 So, here's to another excellent month, and another excellent year!
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