Right, so for our maybe-sorta-almost one year anniversary, I decided to take
qichisan out for dinner! (This actually surprized me, because I thought I had just met her a couple months ago...)
So first I decided to take her out for some Boston Clam Chowder down in Bos--sorry, I should at least try to pronounce it like the natives, huh?--BAWH-ston. It was nice and filling, but then we got thirsty, so we drove down to Arizona for some of that good Arizona Ice Tea. After feeling refreshed, qichisan told me that she'd like some desert*, so off we went to Alaska. The Baked Alaska there was excellent; best I ever had. We eventually made our way back home. We were, though, tempted to stay the night at an inn or something, because we were worried about what might happen to us if we went through Canada at night, but we were fine and made it back whole. It was, overall, a very nice day.
"Pretty people are ugly!"
"You mades me drop my pack!"
"OMG FMA AMV! ... There are probably three word acronyms for everything. If you memorize enough of them, you'll never have to use full sentences again!"
"I don't think I have arachnophobia. Whenever I see a spider, I just freak out and refuse to go back into the room until I know it's dead and gone."
"It has gay sex in it! That should be incentive enough!"
"Dude, stop seeing things. That's my job."
"Real people should say 'Oh noes!' more."
"Yea... I was born like I am now. I just popped up and was like, 'Hi. I'm me. Do you have any ice cream?'"
"We don't need plants. What do we need plants for? We can live without them."
"It looks kinda like an iced coffee but tastes so much better."
"You did it again!!"
"I swear, you're allergic to everything that can't kill you."
*I kind of wonder if she was attempting a pun here... the world may never know. Unless she comments saying so or something... *hinthintnudgenudge*