Xander-Halloweenfic 38: All Heart and Spark

Oct 19, 2008 16:03

Disclaimer: I do not own anything, it all belongs to other people, but I can still dream, can I?

A 37th drabble in my Halloween Short Story Collection. Different answers to the challenge: 'what if Xander dressed as something different for Halloween'.

Authors Note: Behold, the dreaded UnDead Bunny. Even worse than the energyzer bunny. It rises again and again and again and....

All Heart and Spark
Simone of the Zordiak

It was a patient being, time had no real meaning for it. Many times it had been ‘discovered’ by humans. It had been worshipped, had been studied and had been forgotten once more, every single time. But now it was getting desperate, for the newest batch of humans had learned how to make it produce offspring, only to kill them again and again. Being studied meant nothing to the being, sooner or later the humans would leave it and forget all about it. But its children, its poor innocent children were suffering and it wanted to run, flee from those sadistic creatures. Unfortunately it was completely immobile, always had been. It needed help, an opportunity and on the 31st of October in the year 1997 it had been given just that.


When he’d come to the shop, he’d found himself outgunned… well Ethan Rayne had been out of toy guns for him to buy. There was also the fact that both Buffy and Willow thought his idea of going as a soldier was a stupid one and had started to discuss alternatives, without listening to his protests.

Irritated he started fishing in the bargain bin, when his hand closed around a interesting object. It looked like a set of headphones… a set of very modified headphones. And suddenly he had an idea. This could work.

“Willow?” He held up the headphones. “What do you think?” He asked, putting on the phones.

Willows eyes lit up. That would work wonderfully. And she just had seen the right design to paint on him in one of Giles’ old tomes. Xander was going to look stunning.


It did not know why, or when or even how it had come to this existence, but it did know that it was the answer for its dilemma. A self-mobile form, able to remove itself from the grip of the humans that had tormented its offspring. Also it was able to observe the beings around it closer and more in depth than in its old form. But how to keep this form? It didn’t even know how it had come to this existence, how should it prevent the reversal?


Janus was watching. And, so far, he was not pleased. The masking spell had been part of his defensive spells, once used by his priests to turn worshippers into temporary warriors, should they be under attack. But this worshipper of chaos was using it for fun, to annoy an old friend and worse, he had cast the ritual on top of the hellmouth! No, Janus was not the happiest god tonight. He was about to close the viewing mirror in disgust, when he was interrupted by someone, a call he had never thought he would getting. What could he want from him?

Janus listened and couldn’t suppress his smile. What the other had wanted from him was a blessing, a bit of reordering and the result would be beneficial for all. It would be chaotic, yes, but in a good way and he wasn’t the God of Change and new Beginnings for nothing.

He cantered his mirror to one specific person and with the hep of the other, bestowed a bon upon him. The youth might see this as a blessing or a curse, but to an entire race, it would be the beginning of something new. And Janus was going to watch it unfold. This, this would be interesting.


Ten Years Later

The battle was just starting as he entered the city. He, who had been Xander once and was now going by Al, was angry. Well, not really angry, but seriously annoyed with them. How could they! How dare they! He was fuming and he knew it. It was time to end this fight and finally step out in the open.

When the tallest one grabbed one of the smaller ones to kill him, Al finally acted.

“Enough!” He bellowed and the gigantic beings turned and looked down at the tiny human being that had screamed so loudly.

A tiny human being that was starting to glow, that was starting to grow. There was a whirring sound as soft human skin hardened into bronze-colored metal and shifted into armour plates. Eyes turned into glowing white optics and ears into audials, each with three delicate looking antennae fanning out to the back.

The former human stopped growing as soon as he'd reached a high of fifty feet. Then he glared down on the formerly so big beings.

“I,” he spoke, and he sounded like an angry paternal figure, “I demand an explanation.”


xander, crossover, fic

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