-we imported sean from brampton
-accent went alright...we did mess up though :s oh well. And then
jane/sean/meg/me/jane/rob/gaelan/robmeg/gaelan sang. Jeff and owen
yelled "more gaelan"
-jane is taking over; I imagine she'll do a much better job than I did
-i am not a leader, so why do I keep putting myself in these positions?
-i am very good at following instructions, esp if they're very explicit
roomies & brownies
-made brownies with jeff. His have three special ingredients, two of
which are marshmellows and peanut butter chips. Oh, and the lust side of
love. Mine were pure and innocent, so his had to be impure.
-ham fries (wilbur) they were deliciously deepfried. Smeagol wouldn't
let me kiss him with hamfry breath, so I ate a tomato. Wilbur cooking
the ham fries was amusing; he had a pot lid as a shield.
-dream last night about firefly and fashion and math
--was grocery shopping with jayne (I think) and ordered 2lbs of
cranberry juice, and disputed with the cashier on whether they actually
gave me the right amount. The whole world turned to paper and we
calculated. Something was 210+120=330, and the 120 was I think density?,
and it wound up over 110 (some variation of the amount) and somehow this
cancelled to 1.
--in some mall, and there were mannequins with my body shape and they
were wearing beautiful dresses and I wanted to look at them more to
design and stuff, but then in a fishbowl type room, there was a fashion
show going on and there were boxes of shirts, and one of them had my
name pinned to it. It was a shirt I had ordered earlier and evidently
forgotten about with Everett on it. When we left, the dresses had been
removed and it was creepy walking down a hallway with mannequins that
looked like those greek bust statues.
--something about a futon and some couches and it's possible one of them
could fly?
--flying through atmo, someone told me to call zoe but there was no
reception yet
--wearing a weird outfit, mal broke through some alliance patrol boat?
Took over. And there were people, and we kind of stared at them, and
either inara or kaylee had a tiny dog and was complaining that it
couldn't bark as fast as it used to.
I do NOT have an iPod.