Oct 09, 2008 12:49
I went into the TC to drop off my employer evaluation, and recognized
the lady behind the information desk. Wondering if maybe she'd served me
before, I caught a glance of her name.
Gail... Wait, Ian's ex-wife?
Luckily, I never deleted my mother's contacts from my address book, and
sure enough there she is, the surname displayed hyphened before that of
She and Tate totally have the same mouth
I go up, she briefly treats me as any other student, but as soon as
she's asked me how she could help, she asks my last name and greets me
differently, in the 'I have not seen you in a very long time but I know
who you are' type way. She asked if I was enjoying RIM, proximity to my
father, how my supervisor was, etc.
I left, giggling because that sort of surprise encounter always makes me
giggle on the inside.
I was thinking about swearing for some reason, which led to me thinking
about how I'm sure I've heard my father utter swear words about twice in
my life and I believe neither time to be him actually swearing (one was
commenting on how Ian called his truck the BAT - big ass truck). He
doesn't use fake-swearing either. In fact, I'm fairly certain none of
his family does.
My mum's family, on the other hand...especially her and her sister...
Another thing I've realized: I'm wearing my rim sweater and "rock with
rim" t-shirt and carrying my bb. ...I'm a freaking walking RIM poster...
(I'm even standing on the side of the walkway, typing intently. I remind
me of my father o_o)