My mother not-so-subtlely implied that she does not think my hair style to be the greatest; that my hair should be parted not so far over. I brandished my butter knife, told her to back off, that I didn't look as good with it parted more toward center; she says "we should critique this." She seems to think I should succumb to my hair's intrinsic desire to do as it pleases, completely contrary (usually) to my preferences.
I will not abide... This calls for products and straightening iron!
I finally won
WinTrek! I don't think I've ever done this before, and I doubt I've played in six years, and my sister was playing so I decided I would try, and first try I won! And got a high score! The only high score 'sides a mysterious Andrew figure who beat mine by 342 points. But still: Schawing!
I read about two.5 hours worth of Firefly essays in the Finding Serenity book Gaelan lent me. They're quite evocative and wonderful; I'm glad to be reading them. One in particular, "We're All Objects in Space," [rsn: *questions the correctness of my formatting in titles and such*] made me think of multiple musings between Nick and I and it hit me in a way I would like to explore when I have a bit of time (or not; these things don't usually wait for time) and brought up images and ideas that I have difficulty expressing in words. A few others impressed on me some interesting relationshipy advice and questions and considerations that are fairly important. [NTS: look back on this in January?]
McNeil family Christmas was yesterday. Today is Lewis, after which I will make - more for my own tracking than anything else - a list of my acquisitions. I suppose that will result in me making a spectacle of my spoiledosity, but what can you do.
For now: I GOT A CANON G9!!! (And then took pictures of highlightered legs in blacklight, hehehe)