Hey everyone, long time no see. Don't really have any excuse, I just didn't write. If you register and log into
Comixfan or
Gaia, you can see that as far as writing goes, I've been quite busy with
reviews and
fun little X-Men RPs. I'm enjoying it, because I feel like my writing is getting better every time I do it.
Sadly, any confidence I once had with art has been shattered. I suppose that I should enjoy the techniques and skills that I'm being taught in that Drawing class I'm taking at NOVA over the summer, but it's hard to remain optimistic when your teacher starts out her analysis of the drawing you just spent seven hours on by "Well... if not for this stupid looking thing... and this part you messed up... and the fact that I can't even tell what the hell this thing is... then I GUESS it wouldn't suck as much...". Her name shall be forever known as Soumiya "Smack me down" Krishnaswamy, in part because she'll crush your nuts in a critique, and also in part because her name didn't have enough syllables in it already.
I'd really like to be working right now. Based on what I've been hearing from my supervisors, I'm about the most productive intern they've ever had, and they're even thinking about offering me a job (based on office rumors and such), which kicks ass considering that I've only been here for a few weeks. And it's literally the most interesting, best job I've ever had. This is the first time I've actually had to use the engineering knowledge I've been spending the past half-decade learning for practical application. The only problem is that, as an intern, it's not a big deal apparently for one of the higher level engineers to come in and ask to "borrow" my software key, with promises to just use it over the weekend and drop it in your mailbox when you get back. Fast forward to Monday, and I'm in screwsville as that damn key is stuck in some classified vault, and I've got to wait until the guy gets in at freakin 11 AM. I'm over halfway done with the fucking day at this point. Thanks a lot dickhead, you're making me a slacker.
So lets see what else is on my mind these days. Brea might finally be coming to visit me here in Virginia. I miss the hell out of her lately. We talked for a combined of about seven hours over the phone last night, when I probably should have been getting my art homework done. I didn't really care, I just wished I could be with her. It sucks loving a girl who lives so far away, but she's worth it. Makes the visits all the more fun and memorable ^_^ I only hope our parents get along, since they'd be coming with her. That could either end really well, or really akward. Assuming it happens at all.
On to other news. I'm down to about 220, which is pretty good I suppose, but I could stand to lose more. I'm gonna see how feasible it is to try and lose at least two more pounds this week. Just a lot of salads and walking. Or those frozen Smart Ones things that taste a little bit better every time you eat them. That or they're slowly killing my taste buds.
I found a new webcomic called
Control-Alt-Delete. When I say it's "new", what I really mean is that it's existed for years and has a huge fanbase, and in my arrogance I only acknowledge it as new because I just found out about it. Cuz goddammit, things revolve around me. Anyway, CAD is one of those webcomics that makes me think I could really make my own. First of all, it's a comic where the same guy does the art and the writing, which is what I'd try to do at least at first. Who knows, maybe I'd find a better artist somewhere down the line. I could see myself writing with someone else doing the art. I could never see it the other way around. Not that I wouldn't like to draw for someone, but I can write three strips a week. I don't think I could draw those three strips consistently. At least not yet. But who knows. Maybe Smackmedown's negative-try-to-get-you-to-kill-yourself method of teaching me to draw will ultimately yield results. Sure, I'll be depressed, drawing out of pure anger and self-pity, looking at every line I draw and seeing only the visual representation of failure on every page. But goddamnit, at least I'll know how to cross-contour properly.