JE Blogcrew~

Feb 21, 2008 14:39

Hey everyone~ here's a little JE blogcrew thingie~!
Of course, the credit here goes to onigirii_xb, since she came up with the idea. ^o^/

So anyways, there's a few rules to follow by:
1- Please claim one and only one guy.
2- Please use the full name of your guy and the band name. So for this one, one guy who's in different bands can be claimed as more than one person... I hope that makes sense. XD
3- Please be nice. If someone already claimed the guy you wanted, I'm sorry. It's just one of those first come first serve thingies. XD
4- Please make sure that somewhere in your post or title you have written "I'm hungry for some Chinese Food right now~". That way, I know that you read these little rules, and anyone who does not have this in there will be ignored.
5- Have fun & Happy claiming~!

[ Insert Boy Here] brought me to the beach shore at night with Fireworks & a sky of bright Stars. & there, we kissed.

[">Insert Boy Here] brought me to the beach shore at night with Fireworks & a sky of bright Stars. & there, we kissed.

Anyways~ I'm snagging Aiba-kun for myself. XD
Haha, and since I have to leave soon, sorry if I'm not online when you post, I'll try to work on this as much as I can.

NEWS *completed*
Koyama Keiichiro - xtainted_soul
Nishikido Ryo - sere_chan
Yamashita Tomohisa - aozora86
Masuda Takahisa - zschia
Kato Shigeaki - kinoko
Tegoshi Yuya - michiyu

TEGOMASS *complete*
Tegoshi Yuya - sabaku_no_leti
Masuda Takahisa - crazy_otaku911

KAT-TUN *complete*
Nakamaru Yuichi - lizzfan
Ueda Tatsuya - ynaoblivious
Akanishi Jin - blueytea
Tanaka Koki - jindacutie65
Taguchi Junnosuke - hokuto_sama
Kamenashi Kazuya - pocky_please

ARASHI *complete*
Satoshi Ohno - amethystdream3
Sakurai Sho - xwhimsyx
Masaki Aiba - winged_lily
Ninomiya Kazunari - preeseelah
Matsumoto Jun - carcrashheart_8

Yokoyama Yu - les_cuki
Shibutani Subaru
Murakami Shingo
Maruyama Ryuhei
Yasuda Shota
Nishikido Ryo - yamapirawks
Ohkura Tadayoshi - xo_bodigulpa_ox

Takizawa Hideaki
Imai Tsubasa

Takaki Yuya - chibilover14
Arioka Daiki - ai_no_hanabi
Inoo Kei - likeyesterdays
Yaotome Hikaru - summergal275
Yabu Kota - rainychan0o
Nakajima Yuto - nijiiro_namida
Yamada Ryosuke - onigirii_xb
Chinen Yuri
Morimoto Ryutaro - lovetantei
Okamoto Keito

Yamashita Shoon
Ayukawa Taiyo
Yabu Kota
Yaotome Hikaru - lovedrummer

Goseki Koichi
Ryoichi Tsukada
Totsuka Shota
Kawai Fumito

Hashimoto Ryosuke - kinomoto_narika
Asaka Kodai

Senga Kento
Taisuke Fujigaya - misako_amaya
Tamamori Yuta - ady99
Nikaido Takashi
Kitayama Hiromitsu

Golf & Mike
Golf - fujaya
Mike - dargilh

Shuji To Akira
Yamashita Tomohisa - stacyxxcore
Kamenashi Kazuya - punnchan

Okada Junichi - j_lawliet
Ken Miyake
Go Morita

Ikuta Toma - misakii
Kazama Shunsuke
Hiroki Uchi
Kusano Hironori - xchiyo
Watanabe Shota - ayau3
Takada Sho - isaberuchan
Sanada Yuma
Reon Yamashita
Hahsimoto Ryosuke - xxaibaxl0v3xx
Yamashita Shoon - ueda_fangirl

johnny's entertainment., blogcrew

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